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Merry Christmas

Dear Agents, Employees and Business Partners:

Thank you for your loyalty, goodwill and friendship! Midwest Family is proud to continue our 25 year tradition to make a cash donation to Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute on behalf of the Independent Agents, Business Partners, and Employees of Midwest Family.

The donation, made on your behalf, will support Courage Kenny's efforts to expand adaptive fitness programs and serve more individuals living with disabilities. These programs and services will meet individuals' unique fitness needs, helping them achieve healthy, independent and fulfilling lives.

Carol Suchy is a current client who has benefited widely from Courage Kenny Fitness Programs including its Activity Based Locomotor Exercise (ABLE) Program. While on a short snowmobile ride with friends, she lost her grip, rolled off her sled and into a tree. Carol sustained a spinal cord injury, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down.

Carol chose Courage Kenny for her rehabilitation. 'My husband Bill and I did research and felt that ABLE would give me the best chance to walk again. It focuses on strengthening your whole body and getting your legs moving. We both agreed that it was meant for me.'

At her first 90-day evaluation, Carol's core strength had improved significantly and she was beginning to have more movement in her legs, 'I am ecstatic over the progress I made; ABLE has given my life back to me.'

Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute provides rehabilitation and community-based services for people with short and long-term disabilities and chronic health conditions. Courage Kenny is guided by the vision that one day, all people will live, work, learn and play in a community based on abilities, not disabilities. To learn more about Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute please visit

Greeting cards are soon forgotten... the services of Courage Kenny are lasting. We feel honored to contribute to this effort!

May the joy of the holidays remain with you throughout the New Year!

Midwest Family Mutual Insurance Company

Posted on Tuesday, December 13 @ 15:43:34 -05:00
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